Hi everybody, welcome to my website !
The goal on those pages is to share tutorials, projects and easy to
understand sample codes for Freescale microcontrollers. Both beginners
and advanced users will be able to find what they are looking for thanks
to the diversity of what is published on this website !
My website proposes three personal evaluation boards: TheUno, BigBrother
and BigBrother-USB. Those evaluation boards are based on the USBDM and designed
to be used with Arduino shields. Thus, they will be very interresting for people
starting with Freescale microcontrollers and also for experimented people looking
for a simple way to prototype projets!
Following some mailing issues, some orders have not been received properly even if you have maybe received a confirmation mail.
If you have sent an order recently but you are waiting for an answer, please contact me with the Contact form, now working again since 26th of August 2019.
I'm always acknowledging the mails and orders on my website.
The USBDM proposed by MyFreescaleWebPage is back in stock!!! Order now!

Learn and use any HD44780 Compatible LCDs with TheUno and DFRobot LCD Keypad Shield thanks to this new article!
Following update to CodeWarrior V10.6 and USBDM V4.10.6.200, I was no more able to perform programming and debugging with CodeWarrior.
It was because I have installed CodeWarrior in Program Files directory (I'm used to to do it). From now, I advice people to keep default
CodeWarrior installation directory. If you have this kind of issues, uninstalled CodeWarrior and the USBDM and perform a fresh installation.
More information on Freescale Forums.
My CodeWarrior and USBDM installation tutorials have been updated.
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