Buying an USBDM

Fill the form below to make your order. Available quantities are indicated for each product but of course it is possible to request more units. Note that in this case, delivery time can be increased.

After placing your order, you will receive a confirmation by mail. Simply send your payment using Paypal to the address indicated in this mail to confirm your order.

You can contact me if you need large quantities, and I will make you a special offer in this case.

The USBDM proposed by MyFreescaleWebPage is out of stock and will not be produced any more.

USBDM for HCS08, HCS12, CFV1 and Kinetis SWD

Shipped with its BDM, SWD and USB cables!

Article: USBDM-SWD-JS16

Price: 32 USD

(0 available)

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