Central Heating System
The project shown on this page is a complete Central Heating System, built around an oil-fired boiler, and used to heat domestic water for every day consumption and the house in winter.
The board in few words:
- MCF51JM128 microcontroller (Coldfire V1);
- 8 digitals inputs, 4 of them are used to connect 1-wire sensors;
- 8 digitals outputs to drive the boiler, the pumps and the valves;
- LCD screen;
- Keyboard;
- EEPROM to store configuration and programs given by the user;
- RTC with battery to provide date and time to the application;
- RS232 for maintenance purpose;
- SPI interface for future Ethernet extension (with W5100 device
from Wiznet);
- CAN network for future extension;
- USB On-The-Go for future extension.
This project uses FreeRTOS V4.7.0 for MCF51JM128 device. It is fully operationnal from August 2010.
The board offers many possibilities and can be used for another application without any modification.